Camila Cabello o svom novom albumu: Upiškila sam se!

Otvorenost je uvek bila jača strana Camile Cabello, a govoreći o svom novom albumu koji već sprema, otkrila nam je koliko je uzbuđena zbog svega.

Zahvaljujući se fandomu na uspehu svog prvog albuma, ona je rekla, “Mene ne pokreću brojevi i nagrade, ali jako je posebno kad toliko ljudi sluša vašu muziku. Dala sam celu sebe u u ovaj album i svaka pesma je moja beba.”

Ona ističe i da ne staje, već da uveliko radi na svom novom albumu. “Ne mogu da dočekam da vam pokažem sledeće poglavlje – ovo je već nešto najposebnije na čemu sam radila i već sam se upiškila”. OK, znači Camila je baš uzbuđena zbog svog novog projekta!

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THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST SPECIAL, MEANINGFUL THINGS IN THE WORLD. My album went platinum, Havana is now 7 times platinum, and Never Be The Same has gone two times platinum!!!!!!!!! Numbers and awards don’t drive me, but it is really special that this many people wanted to listen to my music- I used to get up at 7 am when I was 16 and write songs to other people’s instrumentals in my garage band. I carried them around for years thinking no one would hear original songs from me for 10 years LOL, but then came time to write my first album in a real studio- it was one of the most special, intoxicating, consuming experiences of my life – I poured every part of myself into it and it really feels like every song is my baby. When any of you say something about real friends or in the dark, or any of the deep cuts,and tell me what they mean to you or that you relate- it means more to me than anything else. Because to someone’s song means you like the song (and that is also insanely special) but listening to an album means you are willing to take the time to travel into their world, into their mind, and into their vulnerability. I’m lucky that songs like Havana and Never Be The Same are ones that are so personal to me that they also feel like secrets or fun parts of me that you guys sing along to, but you willing to take the time to listen to the whole album- means more to me than you know. @Frankdukes thanks for being the most talented, driven, passionate producer ever and doing this with me and being a big brother to me, thank you to all of our incredible collaborators!!!!! And to you guys, thank you for giving me your time, for listening, for caring- I can’t wait to show you the next chapter soon- it’s already the most special thing I’ve ever worked on and I am already peeing myself (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Foto: Instagram/Camila Cabello

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