Zato je nestala: Cher Lloyd je trudna već pet meseci!

Cher Llyod je pre par godina važila za jednu od najtalentovanijih mladih muzičarki ali je prosto nestala sa scene kad je srela svog dečka a kasnije i muža za koga se udala sa samo 20 godina. Na opšte iznenađenje, ona je sad saopštila i da čeka svoje prvo dete!

“Pišem vam danas jer sam presrećna što moj muž Craig i ja čekamo naše prvo dete koje stiže u maju! Presrećni smo što to možemo da podelimo sa vama”, piše ona. “Srećna sam što započinjem ovo novo poglavlje mog života okružena porodicom koju volim ali istovremeno radim i na muzici koju ću vam predstaviti kasnije ove godine. Sad ćemo imati i malu bebu da uživam sa nama u ovom iskustvu.”

Cher je svoj poslednji hit imala još 2014. godine kad je objavila i svoj poslednji album ali fanovima poručuje da će se definitivno vratiti. “Kao što znate, ja puno radim i obećavam da će rezultat biti vredan čekanja. Uzbuđena sam zbog ove godine i jedva čekam da vas sve uskoro vidim!”, zaključuje ona.

I know it seems like I’ve been quiet for a while but I wanted to take this opportunity to bring you all up to speed on what I’ve been up to over the last year. I decided to take some time away from the public eye to focus on what really matters and get back to what I truly love doing. As you all know, making music and singing is where it all began for me, it’s what makes me truly happy, and I wanted to get back to that happy place once again, enter the studio and focus on simply making great music for you all. I’m so happy to announce that I now have a collection of amazing new songs (that I cannot wait to share with you all!), but also, there’s another reason why I’m writing to you today and that’s because I am beyond thrilled to inform you all that my husband Craig and I are also expecting our first child in May!!! We are absolutely over the moon to share this news with you all. I am so excited to enter this new chapter in my life, surrounded by family I love, a supportive team around me and with music I’ve worked super hard on and am so excited and proud to reveal to you later in the year. And now we're going to have a little baby to enjoy this experience with us along the way! Thank you all for being so patient, as you now know, I’ve been a busy little bee but I promise it’ll be worth the wait! I’m excited for all that 2018 has in store for me and I can’t wait to see you all very soon! Cher x

A post shared by Cher Lloyd (@cherlloyd) on

Foto: Instagram/Cher Lloyd

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