Iznenađenje: Camila Cabello i Ryan Seacrest svojom posetom usrećili decu iz bolnice u Filadelfiji!

Posete bolesnoj deci su jedan od najhumanijih činova zvezda, jer i ta deca bi volela da mogu da vide svoje idole i ona vole iste stvari kao i mi.

Fondacija radio voditelja Ryana Seacresta pozvala je Camilu Cabello u petak da zajedno sa Ryanom ode u bolnicu u Filadelfiji gde bi provela neko vreme sa mladim pacijentima ne bi li ih malo usrećila! Camili je ovo bilo zgodno jer se već nalazila u tom delu sveta, zahvaljujući turneji „Reputation“ Taylor Swift na kojoj i sama nastupa.

the Ryan Seacrest foundation does a beautiful thing for the kids in Philly's Children's Hospital. kids that are being treated at the hospital get to be themselves, express their dreams and voices, and have something fun to look forward to so they don't feel defined by what's going on in their lives at this moment, by taking care of their hearts as well as their bodies and having activities, positive music, games, and competitions in the Ryan Seacrest studio downstairs- seeing their smiles, their spirit, and their positivity only makes it clearer to me that the most valuable lessons we can learn come from kids, today I heard a conversation between parents of a little girl at the hospital and @ryanseacrest , the parents told him how much the foundation helped their child – instead of talking about doctors and treatments, she was talking about how excited she was for the next karaoke competition at the studio downstairs- so thankful for foundations like these that make lives so much better, so thankful for kids like these – with so much talent, spunk, knowledge, and spirit in spite of their everyday battles – thank you @ryanseacrest @ryanfoundation for having me

Објава коју дели camila (@camila_cabello) дана

Za decu je Cam izvela svoj hit „Havana“ i na društvenim mrežama je podelila fotke sa događaja, ponosna na ono što je učinila. „Ryan Seacrest fondacija radi divne stvari za decu iz ove bolnice. Deca su tamo ono što jesu, mogu da izraze svoje snove i želje, i da imaju nečemu zanimljivom da se raduju da ne misle da im je život definisan onim što ih trenutno muči“ napisala je Cam. Ovakve stvari sa fondacijom prethodno su radile i zvezde poput Taylor Swift, Selene Gomez, Justina Biebera i mnogi drugi.

A really special day at @ChildrensPhila #SeacrestStudios! Thanks for surprising the kids @Camila_Cabello 🙂

Објава коју дели Ryan Seacrest (@ryanseacrest) дана

Autor: Famoza.net
Foto: Instagram/Camila Cabello

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Valentina Krstić

Editor at Famoza.net
Valentina Krstić je urednica portala Famoza.net. Talenat za pisanje otkrila je u ranom detinjstvu i već deset godina gradi svoje ime i status u novinarstvu, PR-u i marketingu u oblasti muzike. Muzika je smisao njenog života i hrana za njen jedinstven stil i kreativnost, koju ističe u svemu što radi. Smatra da je najvažnije da strastveno radimo ono što volimo.

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