Anna Chase: I can’t wait to come and meet you all!

Anna Chase is a young singer and songwriter with strong Latino roots and a great future! That’s why we couldn’t miss the opportunity to know her better and introduce her to this part of the world. So, let’s get to know her and her music better!

Hi Anna! So this might be your first encounter with fans in this part of Europe, and they are eager to meet you! So, feel free to introduce yourself however you like!

And I am eager to meet them! I’m a latin-pop singer songwriter, born in the US but raised in Paraguay. I started modeling at a young age and eventually one thing led to the other. Soon after my first modeling gigs I started sharing my first cover videos on YouTube and performing at cafes and bars. 

Your single “Color” sounds so uplifting, and we know that the lyrics are all about your personal experiences. What’s the major feeling when you reveal some part of your life to the world? 

It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. After I release the songs I feel relieved. Before that there’s some nerves and fears since the songs are very personal. You are exposing yourself in a personal level. But when you get in touch with the people who appreciate your music and share the love, that’s priceless. 

You work with extremely talented producer Jakke Erixson for some time, so we guess more music is coming this year?

You can count on it!

You sing mainly in Spanish, but you also did many English language covers in the past. Do you think you’ll release music in both languages in the next period?

I would love to. Not only in English but in other languages as well! Who knows maybe one day I’ll try Croatian 😉

The Balkans was always very passionate about Latino sound and culture in general, and we guess you are dreaming about traveling and singing all around the world! How much are you missing touring?

I miss performing a lot! Touring southeastern Europe would be a real dream. There is so much I don’t know and would like to learn and explore! 

Adding to that, how do you handle mental health, as we all had to change our lives a bit?

It’s been a ride. I tried to keep myself distracted with as much as I could and take the time for introspection. It was of big help keeping myself connected to family and friends through zoom parties. And releasing music helped a lot to, it kept me busy. 

Like your song “Color,” your Instagram page radiates positivity, and we love that! Is being positive your natural state?

Actually I don’t believe it’s my natural state. I’ve come to realize things come easier when you attract them and I am constantly exercising positive habits. It helps a lot and hopefully it becomes my natural state eventually. 

You’re still so young, and yet you’ve experienced so much, working as a model, musician, and even participating as a judge and a competitor in TV shows. Now you’re going to have a debut as an actress too! What can you reveal about that project?

I’m beyond excited. I hope it opens new doors to more acting experiences. The movie will come out this year and it’s been produced and filmed in Paraguay. As a Paraguayan I am very proud of being part of it. 

Finally, as most of our readers are teenagers with big dreams, what kind of message would you send to them? Or if it’s easier, what advice what you give to young yourself?

Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Just don’t stop, practice and experience will get you there. 


Foto: Instagram/Anna Chase

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