Charlie Carver (“Teen Wolf”): Ja sam ponosan gej muškarac!

Twins Charlie and Max Carver in Teen Wolf Episode 3.12

Glumac iz popularne horor serije otvoreno progovorio o svojoj seksualnosti!

Charlie Harver, zvezda serija poput “Teen Wolf” (u kom glumi i njegov brat blizanac Max) i “The Leftovers”, obratio se nedavno svojim pratiocima na Istagramu kako bi im saopštio nešto što je njemu veoma važno u životu. Glumac je, naime, u dugoj ali emotivnoj poruci javno saopštio da je gej. Prisećajući se u postu na društvenoj mreži svog detinjstva, kada je počeo da oseća da je “drugačiji”, kao i podrške roditelja, Charlie je u svojoj iskrenoj ispovesti naveo i sledeće: “Voleo bih da me ljudi smatraju isključivo za ljudsko biče. Ne želim da me neko definiše prema mojoj seksualnoj orijentaciji. Naravano, ja jesam ponosan gej muškarac, ali mislim da to nije najbitnija odlika mog bića”.

Pt 1: “Be who you needed when you were younger”. About a year ago, I saw this photo while casually scrolling through my Instagram one morning. I’m not one for inspirational quotes, particularly ones attributed to “Mx Anonymous”- something mean in me rebukes the pithiness of proverbs, choosing to judge them as trite instead of possibly-generally-wise, resonant, or helpful. And in the case of the good ol’ Anonymous kind, I felt that there was something to be said for the missing context. Who wrote or said the damn words? Why? And to/for who in particular? Nonetheless, I screen-capped the picture and saved it. It struck me for some reason, finding itself likeable enough to join the ranks of the “favorites” album on my phone. I’d see it there almost daily, a small version of it next to my other “favorites”; I’d see it every time I checked into the gym, pulled up a picture of my insurance cards, my driver’s license…. Important Documents. And over the course of about-a-year, it became clear why the inspirational photo had called out to me. As a young boy, I knew I wanted to be an actor. I knew I wanted to be a lot of things! I thought I wanted to be a painter, a soccer player, a stegosaurus… But the acting thing stuck. It was around that age that I also knew, however abstractly, that I was different from some of the other boys in my grade. Over time, this abstract “knowing” grew and articulated itself through a painful gestation marked by feelings of despair and alienation, ending in a climax of saying three words out loud: “I am gay”. I said them to myself at first, to see how they felt. They rang true, and I hated myself for them. I was twelve. It would take me a few years before I could repeat them to anyone else, in the meantime turning the phrase over and over in my mouth until I felt comfortable and sure enough to let the words pour out again, this time to my family…

A photo posted by Charlie Carver (@charliecarver) on

Foto: MTV

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