Definitely born to shine: Tini Stoessel brought the spectacle to Budapest!!

Thanks to her role in “Violetta” and an excellent first album, Tini Stoessel is one of the biggest young stars in Europe. Famoza was on her concert in Budapest, Hungary on April 2nd and what we saw was something we won’t easily forget!

Going to the concert of such a huge star in this part of the world brings the expectations through the roof but once you get into the arena and see the stage, you know that you’re in for a treat! More than seven or eight thousand of Tinistas from Hungary but also nearby countries including Serbia, Croatia or Bosnia came to this show, and some of them even managed to see Tini in town because she decided to spend two days in the capital city. It’s incredible how she is always patient and willing to sign autographs and take selfies, even pushing some of her security people away.

Tini went on the stage just a few minutes after 18h – the lights just turned off, fandom made a huge noise and few seconds later, we could hear the first notes from “Got Me Started”, the song which the whole tour was named after. Maybe surprising for pop artist, but everything that happens on the stage happens live – playback was never evident and Tini sings every word. That is even more impressive because she brings so much energy – dancing with her crew all the time, dictating choreography, running to change her costumes and somehow she never was out of breath!

When it comes to songs, Tini didn’t disappoint – all the songs from the “Tini” album were featured and also some of the fan favorites from “Violetta”. It’s hard to explain level of noise we’ve heard once we saw pictures of Violetta and Leon on the big screens and things got even louder when Tini started singing “Te Creo”. Emotions were on their highest level at the end of the show and Tini couldn’t stop her tears before the final song, “Born To Shine”.

We loved how Martina had the time to say few beautiful words, even something in Hungarian and in the end, she let the fandom get up from their seats and go right next to the stage, holding “You are born to shine” signs. After everything we saw, we know we will always root for this girl, hoping that she will come back to this part of the world sooner then we think. She really is born to shine!

Foto: Nikola Dolapčev

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Vladimir Dolapčev je urednik medija Prethodno je pet godina uređivao portal srpskog izdanja časopisa BRAVO. Najveća želja mu je da Famoza bude drugačiji od svih teen medija i da pomogne u dovođenju mladih zvezda u region.

3 thoughts on “Definitely born to shine: Tini Stoessel brought the spectacle to Budapest!!

  1. Hvala vam za sve sto radite za nas Famozo! Ja sam pogasila sva svetla u kuci i pocela pevati i plesati dok sam slusala video od koncerta! Stvarno sam se osecala koda da sam na licu mesta! Izgledalo je fenomenalno i sigurno ste se svi lepo proveli 😀

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