Dove Cameron u suzama: Završeno je snimanje “Liv and Maddie”


Dove Cameron važi za jako nežnu dušu pa ne čudi što je jako teško podnela završetak snimanja serije “Liv and Maddie” preko koje smo je i upoznali!

Dove je tako objavila video gde čitav tim peva pesmu “We Go Together” iz filma “Briljantin” a uz njega je rečima pokazala koliko je uživala u svemu prethodnih godina. “Poslednjih dana sam u emotivnoj komi. Ne znam mogu li da pronađem nove reči da objasnim svoje emocije. Hvala vam za ove četiri godine. Malo je ljudi doživljavalo šou kao ja. Malo ljudi je započelo karijeru na isti način kao ja. Ova serija me je ispunila ljubavlju. Vi ste moja porodica. Nije mi bilo lako prethodnih godina i ne bih znala šta da radim da nije bilo više od 200 vas koji ste me održavali u životu svakog dana.”

“Znala sam da dolazi kraj ali ništa me nije moglo pripremiti za ovo. Sve što ubuduće budem radila biće uz pomoć znanja koje sam stekla ovde. Ne postoji način da vas volim više. Mnogo mi je teško da vam ispričam koliko mi je srce natečeno što vas napuštam. Koliko smo blagosloveni time što niko od nas nije hteo da se ovo završi. Čast mi je poznavati vas sve, promenili ste mi život.”

I've been in an emotional coma for the last few days over the end of the show. I don't know if I can come up with new words to sum up my mixed emotions, so I'll caption this with an excerpt (yes, I actually wrote more than this) from my speech that I gave at the series wrap party. Some important details and people are missing, but you get the gist. Thank you for an amazing 4 years. See you on the other side. Very few people have felt what I have felt because of this show. Very few people get to start their careers in the way that I did. That knowledge and that privilege is not lost on me. This show has filled me with so much love. I must have been a wonderful person in my past life to get to know all of you and work so closely with you. You are my family. These past few years have been hard for me and I have struggled with entering adult hood and being in the industry and my own issues and becoming a person, and I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my 200+ family members to keep me afloat every day. There are very few time when you absolutely know for a fact that something is coming to an end, and still I could not have been less prepared for this. Everything I do as an actor from now on is something that I undoubtably learned on this show. I also came on this show without a father and I feel as though I'm leaving with 20. And to our amazing crew which includes HAIR, MAKEUP, WARDROBE, CRAFTY, LIGHTING, GRIPS, WRITERS, CAMERAS, PROPS, PRODUCTION, ART, CONSTRUCTION, CASTING, POST, SCRIPT, SOUND, TEACHERS, STUNTS and STAND INS: how is it that (on top of all your talent) every single one of you is such a shining example of a good person? Thank you for putting up with what was undoubtably the craziest group of actors you've ever worked with. Speaking Of our magnificent crazy cast (and stellar EP's): I could not love you all more. I struggle to come up with words to accurately describe how swollen my heart is to be leaving you all. What a beautiful space we have filled with love and hard work and people who actually all want to be together. And how blessed are we that none of us want it to end. I am honored to know you all. You all changed my life.

A video posted by ♡DOVE♡ (@dovecameron) on

Foto: Instagram/Dove Cameron

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Vladimir Dolapčev je urednik medija Prethodno je pet godina uređivao portal srpskog izdanja časopisa BRAVO. Najveća želja mu je da Famoza bude drugačiji od svih teen medija i da pomogne u dovođenju mladih zvezda u region.

9 thoughts on “Dove Cameron u suzama: Završeno je snimanje “Liv and Maddie”

  1. Dove je tamo divna i emotivna osoba! Zaista je mnogo lepo ovo što je napisala. I žao mi je što je tužna, svi smo, ali svemu mora doći kraj. 🙁

  2. Bila mi je jedna od omiljenih serija. Ne znam da li da jedva cekam poslednju sezonu da se prikaze kod nas ili da uzivam u vec odavno odgledanim epizodama. Radujem se njenim novih projektima kao i filmu Descentans 2! ♥

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