Famoza with Tini Stoessel: “Got Me Started” tour is my dream come true!


Famoza had a great privilege to interview Tini Stoessel, one of the brightest and most popular young stars in the whole Balkans, Europe and rest of the world, but we wanted to do something entirely different so every single of the 18 questions comes from Tinistas!

We tried to pick the best of them (more than 600 arrived in just a few hours!) and Tini answered them in a day, even though schedule is very busy. We hope you’ll enjoy this as Tini speaks about her “Got Me Started” tour, fandom, favourite songs, Jorge Blanco, “Violetta” and even Pepe! We own special thanks to Rodolfo Stoessel, Alejandro Stoessel and Tini for making the dreams of this huge fandom come true!

1. How do you feel about your first tour? (Mina Avramović)
I’m so excited, it’s my dream!! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to perform, and to be able to perform my own music on my own tour is a dream come true for me!


2. Will you have special guests on your tour? (Amra Smajlović)
I would love to!! We are working really hard at the moment on everything to do with the tour – it’s going to be amazing!!

3. What is your favourite song to perform? (Teodora Bjekić)
Mmmm I love them all, at the moment I think “Got Me Started” because it get’s everyone dancing!! But I also love performing the ballads as they are more emotional – like Handwritten.. The best thing about performing all of the songs is seeing all of you dancing and singing along!!

4. Is the next album in your plans? The first one was perfect! (Nevena Pantelić)
Nothing is confirmed yet but yes for sure I would love to make a second album!! I hope sometime next year.

5. Do you have special place where you make music? (Milica Jović)
Whilst we were recording the album I lived in LA for two months which I loved. It’s a really amazing place and to get the opportunity to work there on my music was so special.

6. Will you ever do another song with Jorge? What is your relationship with him like? (Neda T./Sandra Sabler)
Jorge is such a good friend to me, I have so much respect for him as a person and as an artist. He is an amazing performer! For the moment we are both enjoying working on our own music but who knows what will happen in the future..

7. If someone from “Soy Luna” invited you to play part in one episode, would you accept the offer? Will you be back to acting? (Natalija Bojić/Bojana Nešović)
Acting is where I started, and I will always love it. I have so many amazing friends in Soy Luna, they are a great team. I’m really busy with my own music and tour at the moment but I never say never, I would love to act again in years to come.

8. Tell us one favorite moment from the series Violetta and one from Tini movie? (Milica Jovanović)
It’s hard to choose one moment in particular – I think my favorite thing about both was the people I got to work with. I’ve made so many friends that I know I will keep forever. We are like family!

9. Could you tell anything about your perfume and clothing line? (Marija Korceba)
I love fashion and fragrance and the idea of working on them more closely is super exciting to me! I do have a few projects in mind, and as soon as they’re a bit more developed I’ll be sharing them with my fans. So excited!


10. What is your favorite fashion detail? (Donna Bel)
I have a lot of jackets! Black with sequins, black leather – I wear them a lot.

11. What is the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? (Lea Schmidt)
Ahhh that’s such a difficult question because I’ve been so lucky, so many exciting things have happened to me. At the moment I definitely think the most exciting thing is being able to work on my own tour – I can’t wait for everyone to see it!!

12. What is the weirdest thing about you and are you proud of that? (Jelena Beštić)
Haha I am pretty weird, but weird is fun no? I think everyone should be proud of every part of themselves, weird or not!


13. Do you have a memory from your childhood that you couldn’t live without? (Ana Pauk)
I have so many happy memories from my childhood with my family – they are the best and the most important thing to me. I definitely couldn’t live without them!

14. Which colour is really your favorite? You sometimes say it’s red, sometimes pink and sometimes turquoise? (Amra Babić)
Haha I change my mind quite a lot!! At the moment I think turquoise. But tomorrow it could be pink 😉

15. Will you go and see some of Pepe’s games? (Nataša Ivović)
I don’t have any plans to go over to LA soon – I’m so busy with tour rehearsals, but we definitely try and see each other as much as we can, wherever we are in the world!

16. Fran brought home jam from Croatia. Have you tried it? (Matea)
Yes, I loved it!!

17. Would you like to visit Serbia or Croatia and visit Tinistas from Balkan? You said once we’re on fire! (Sara Gojković)
I’d love to – you guys are always on fire. I see all of your comments on my Facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube channel – everything! You’re amazing!

18. What would be advice for someone who wants to be like you one day? (Marta Mišović)
Always follow your own dreams, and be true to yourself. The best thing you can do is work hard, be yourself and you do what makes you happy!

Author: Famoza.net
Photo: Instagram/Tini Stoessel, Mariana Stoessel

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Vladimir Dolapčev je urednik medija Famoza.net. Prethodno je pet godina uređivao portal srpskog izdanja časopisa BRAVO. Najveća želja mu je da Famoza bude drugačiji od svih teen medija i da pomogne u dovođenju mladih zvezda u region.

9 thoughts on “Famoza with Tini Stoessel: “Got Me Started” tour is my dream come true!

      1. Oprostite famozo moze jos jedno pitanje,objavili ste da je dosao Tini CD u Hrvatsku, znate li mozda u koji ducan !??
        Napisala sam i tamo pod tom objavom, ali niste procitali molim vas odgovorite mi,hvala .( Jer pise da je samo jedan ducan ).

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