Naša drugarica Lora koja je već mnogo puta srela Arianu Grande (i koja je već i prepoznaje) u decembru se nada da će videti Ari uživo a našu molbu, pristala je da joj odnese pisma naših Arianatora!
Kako njoj ne može da pošaljemo desetine i stotine pisama, napravili smo konkurs gde smo odabrali ona najbolja, koja ćemo poslati Lori. Arianatori mogu biti ponosni na svoja pesma – bilo je strašno odabrati ona najbolja pa ćemo umesto tri, poslati ukupno četiri pisma uz jedno zajednično, koje je pisano u ime čitavog fandoma! Trudili smo se da odaberemo zaista najkreativnija pisma ali i da nagradimo veliki trud. Isto tako, vodili smo računa o tome da za Arianatorku od 10 godina i za nekog ko je mnogo stariji ne važe isti kriterijumi.
Evo i četiri pisma koja ćemo poslati kao i peto koje je u ime svih Arianatora napisala Ivana Grubić!
Jovana i Dunja
Hi bubble, you know what love is? Love is when you can’t put your feelings into words, when you hate that you’re limited on just one letter. Think we shall introduce ourselves. We’re Jovana and Dunja and the paper that you’re holding right now is a piece of our hearts, our mind and our soul. What we have in common and what actually brought us together is our unconditional love for a Tiny elephant, a fan of goats, an owner of the most precious heart on the Earth.
We met on May 20th, when “Holy Dangerous Woman” album was born, just by Jovana’s sayin in the school bus “I need Side To Side on my playlist.” and Dunja turned faster than Frankie when he sees glitter. We don’t know if that was just a silly coincidence but from that moment, we united and built such a strong bond that no one can break. And all because of you. We’re not lonely in school anymore, we’re tiny elephants that stick together always, laugh and cry together, that can finally fan-girl together and actually enjoy it. We found pieces in each other because of you, hunty. How can we ever thank you for that?
You taught us how to deal with hatred in general and taught us things that school never will. You showed us what true love is (even how to use/ enforce the power of that word on ourselves). How NOT to be pressured by society’s norms. You are saving us everyday and making us happy by little things such as your family and animals. By expressing your love on every social media.
The thing that isn’t nice about being your babies is that awful fear of never meeting you. Of never feeling the warmth of your hug. Cause being influenced by you means having a need to meet you and to thank you, for all.
That fear is literally destined if you live in Serbia. It’s far away from you, and this letter flew over 8 thousand miles!!! But sadly, most of your babies from here can not flew over that distance to meet you!!!! *Crossing our fingers and hoping you will google “Serbia” after reading this*
Keep slaying and know we will be by your side forever. (over 8 thousand miles lmao). Love, D & J.
Donna Bell
Ari you’re the best
Ari you’re the best,
You’re such a little cutie,
Forget about the rest,
You have inner beauty.
A human so adorable,
A true fashion queen,
Stylish and fashionable,
Always to be seen.
Don’t listen to the haters,
Who say mean things to you,
They’re a bunch of alligators,
Who have nothing better to do.
Serbia & the Balkans love you,
In every single way,
A concert would be nice to do,
Think about it okay?
Dear Ariana ❤, I love you so so so so so much.. You are basically my WHOLE WORLD, MY WHOLE LIFE!!!?❤ I’m an ARIANATOR for 4 years! ❤ I live in Croatia!❤ I hope so that I will meet you one day! I have Instagram account named @lovearilovedrawing, I put there a lot of drawings. I even sent you one I hope you like it! I do a collab with @31maria21❤ I really LOVE YOUR MUSIC AND YOU SO MUCH ❤❤❤ !! I was ritually crying ? when I was writing this letter for you! ❤ Ari you are PERFECT!!! Stay just who you are! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ❤ I don’t know what to write because these words that I want to describe how much I love you, they don’t exist!! My biggest dream in my life is to meet you and I believe in that with all my heart! Love you so much! ??❤ Pls say Hi to Frankie and kiss all dogs for me! ❤ ly Gabrijela Nevjestic ARIANATOR FOREVER MY MOONLIGHT ?☁❤
Dear Ari,
My name is Jelena. I am 10. I am from Serbia, Novi Sad. You are my idol. I love your songs and I want to be like you.
My room is full of your posters. In my phone I have over a thousand of your pictures. Every day at school I wear my hair like you. You are so perfect that I can not describe. You have the most beautiful smile in the world. I am Arianator and always will be. My greatest wish is that you come to Serbia. My country is very small, but full of love for you. I dream to meet you and I hope that my dreams will come true. Sorry for my English, I will try to learn it better. I love you! Forever Arianator, Jelena!
Pismo Ivane u ime čitavog fandoma:
Dear Ari,
First of all, it’s been a great honor to write you this letter. I don’t want it to be too long, so I’ll get to the point. My name is Ivana Grubić, and I write you in the name of the whole fandom in the Balkans. For a long time we’ve been trying to reach our goal to bring you here. No matter how hard that is, you thought us to never give up our dreams and that we should fight for them. Every one of your songs brings thousand of endless emotions in any of us and it brings smile on our faces that will never fade way. I’m administrator of the largest Arianators group on Balkans, “Arianators-Balkan ❤” as are my friends, Isidora, Iva and Jovana. In the name of all of us, we want to thank you for your endless love you gave us. Dreams of us all will be fulfilled when you get to Balkans. We will never lose our hope, you thought us that! You are that girl who has special place in our hearts, one humane and supertalented being. There are no words to describe our love we feel for you. No matter how many miles we are apart, our distance will never erase our feelings and the love between and idol and her fandom, love that we feel for you, queen. My dear, please, make us happy, that is the thing you do the best, shine the light on our countries with your endless love for us, never give up, never forget us, you second family, your fandom who was with your from day one until now. Babe, we love and we ask you to come to Balkans and make our lives better. Thank you for everything, we love you very much!
Primetićete da su sva četiri pisma vrlo različita, što takođe smatramo strašno bitnim. Jovana i Dunja napisale su verovatno najbolje pismo kad je reč o bogatstvu rečnika ali više od toga, svidelo nam se što su napisale nešto što nij dosadno za čitanje i pomaže Ari da nas bolje upozna. Gabrijelino pismo je vrlo mnogo kraće (što uopšte nije loša stvar), vrlo je emotivno a ona pritom radi i sjajne radove o Ari, pa možda može posebno lepo da ukrasi svoje pismo. Na kraju tu je Jelena. Ova devojčica ima samo 10 godina ali pismo koje je sastavila je lepo, jednostavno i iznad svega jako simpatično pa smo uvereni da će se dopasti Ari! Naravno, nadamo se i da vam se sviđa Ivanino pismo u ime čitavog fandoma!
Šta sad? Prvo, želimo svima da se zahvalimo! Najmanje 20 pisama bilo je odlično i sigurni smo da bi različiti ljudi različito procenili koja od njih su najbolja. Ipak, mi smo uvereni da su ova pisma više nego dovoljno dobra da odu u ruke Lori pa zatim i Ari. Mi ćemo već danas kontaktirati pobednice – doteraćemo svako pismo u manjoj meri a onda će ih one prepisati na papir, spakovati u pismo i poslati na našu adresu. Kad nam sva pisma stignu, ostaje da ih stavimo u jedno pismo i odmah pošaljemo Lori koja planira da Ari vid već narednog meseca!
Foto: Promo
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Ih bas mi je krivo,ali cestitam nadam se da ce biti neke druge prilike 🙂
Moje pismo nije proslo. Famozo, da li mozda mozete da organizujete konkurs pisama za Tini ili nekog drugog? Kada ste vec stupili u kontakt sa njom mislim da ne bi bilo bas toliko tesko dogovoriti se sa njom ili nekim od clanova porodice da posaljete nekoliko pisama. Hvala Vam na ogromnom trudu! Fantasticni ste!?????????
Več smo objavljivali njenu adresu a neki Tinisti su joj pisali i čak je njena mama to objavila 🙂
Svaka čast Jovani i Dunji na tako savršenom pismu, nadajmo se da će Ari stvarno izguglati Srbiju ??❤❤
Predivnoo <3
Pisma su super, a po mom misljenju je najbolje prvo, devojke nemam reci svaka cast!
Pisma su stvarno odlična?
Verujem da vam je bilo veoma teško da odaberete najbolja?
Dona je baš napisala cool pesmicu?
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Odabrali ste moje pismo!!!!!! Hvalaaaaa! Prvo je Tini odgovorila na moje pitanje,a sad ce Ariana vidjeti moje pismo!!!! Hvala najbolji ste, svama se stvarno dodje do zvijeda!
Čestitam ti!!! Na neki način ti se ostvaruje san! Bravo Donna, pesma je SUPER!
meni se najvise dopara od Donna Bell,Jelena i Jovana i Dunja.I Gabrijelino je super (sva su) .Kod nje mi se nije svijdelo ovo za instagram ali mi je slatko ovo na kraju kada kaze da pozdravi frenkia i da poljubi sve njenje prse za nju.
Aww… 10 godina NIJE SAMO! Bravo Jelena!
Ne sviđa mi se samo kod Gabrijele ono za instagram.